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Resource Agribusiness Group Signed an Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and Partnership with the Leading Agricultural University of Russia Within the Framework of SPIEF

Resource Agribusiness Group and the Stavropol State Agrarian University have signed an agreement on strategic cooperation and partnership in order to train and employ qualified personnel for the long-term development of the domestic agro-industrial complex, as well as to promote the systemic modernization of higher education based on the integration of science, education and production. Dmitry Antonov, Senior Vice President, the Director of Foreign Affairs and GR of the Resource Agribusiness Group, and Vladimir Sitnikov, the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University signed the document on June 06, 2024 on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The subject of the Agreement was the interaction of Resource Agribusiness Group and the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of joint development of curricula and target programs, organization of career guidance excursions, field trips and practice at the Group's production facilities, holding open lectures and seminars, participation in the work of state examination commissions by experts of enterprises, development of a system of nominal scholarships and grants to support gifted students and the best teachers, employment of graduates and other aspects.

Within the framework of the document, Resource Agribusiness Group takes the responsibility to provide conditions for conducting field trips and excursions, assumes responsibility for the provision of places, the appointment of highly professional managers and the control of students' training and work practices, undertakes obligations to organize professional development of the Company's employees on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University as well as to inform the university about the interest in graduate specialists to ensure targeted training.

The agreement is of particular importance for Resource Agribusiness Group, as the demand for new employees in Stavropol is very high. The key poultry farming assets of the Company (parent herds, hatcheries, broiler chicken fattening sites, feed mills and poultry processing plants), two oil extraction plants and more than 20 thousand hectares of agricultural land are located on the territory of the region. The total number of employees of Stavropol enterprises of the Resource Agribusiness Group exceeds 10.5 thousand people.
Dmitry Antonov, Senior Vice President, the Director of Foreign Affairs and GR of the Resource Agribusiness Group:

"World practice shows that business partnerships with specialized educational institutions play an important role in eliminating the imbalance between the professional training of graduates and the current requirements of the labor market. It is very difficult to grow a competitive specialist without communication with potential employees. Therefore, Resource Agribusiness Group has been cooperating with leading Russian universities in all regions of our company's presence for many years. The agreement with the Stavropol State Agrarian University is another very important step in the process of forming a more integrated and comprehensive approach of cooperation that will ensure an effective exchange of relevant practical knowledge".

Vladimir Sitnikov, the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University:
"The educational process and scientific work in universities should be based on the interests of business and correspond to its objectives, that is why it is important for us to have such high-tech partners as Resource Agribusiness Group. I am confident that the joint work of our scientists and the use of laboratory and production facilities of the university and of the enterprise will ensure a completely new quality of training graduates".
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